a solo show by Rashid Uri
curated by Contemporary Attitude
from 16.06.2020 to 30.06.2020, from monday to sunday 24/7
at Edicola Radetzky - Viale Gorizia (Darsena), Milano
opening on the 16th of June, from 7 pm
Edicola Radetzky and Contemporary Attitude present COMPOUND, the solo show by artist Rashid Uri, which marks their second collaboration.
All I need
is less than what I have
much less
a thing that is LESS
appears serious
if it’s 1/2 soft and 1/2 wet
it might be enough
Steel and felt,
stolen and deeply felt
Das Schloss, he wrote
We all remember but
very few understand
what is in between China and Kafka?
a castle or a water field
nothing is closed in if it is free
I give you my freedom
if you give me my peace
less of less of less of less
but let it be soft
then leave
Let me be clear
I might survive
only in between (felt) corners
and segments
of a small (steel) room
that is far from reach
one drink one rest
one drink two rest
what am I walling in or walling out
who am I offending
with small and/or tallest vertical
(foam rubber) windows
I don’t remember
nor do I hear
all I can smell is the (water) scent
of my long (steel) vest
that wraps me and protects me
no eyes touch no skin
I would have prefered cement
Just as Rashid Uri's research is characterized by the use of fragile materials which contrast the formal rigidity that he seeks, COMPOUND is the cage / refuge in which austere tools for survival reflect simple human needs and feelings, charged by the constant search for the limit of human survival.
Uri intervenes directly from the inside of the architecture of the liberty kiosk, which also houses Das Schloss, the wearable sculpture created for Contemporary Attitude, in which he abandons the usual formal hardness, characteristic of his work, for the shape of the human body.
Inspired by Chinese compounds, closed-off and fortified architectural systems, Uri sees Edicola Radetzky as a locus rifugio. Essential objects are positioned in the limited size of the exhibition space, and a non-flexible survival system is outlined. The Das Schloss polyester coat is an ontological representation of the human figure and a "medium" for escaping the restrained space.
The name of the sculpture itself is inspired by the homonymous novel by Kafka and contains multiple meanings: the more common being castle, palace, but also closure, that phonetically resembles "schluss" - end, conclusion.
COMPOUND, solo show by Rashid Uri in a film by Alessandra Gaglioti, music by Giacomo Vanelli
COMPOUND, various installation views at Edicola Radetzky ©Contemporary Attitude and the artist